短期交換留学プログラム(RISE Program)

Ryukyus International Student Exchange (RISE) Program is an arrangement made between the University and other affiliated Universities that enables students to come to the University to conduct research and take classes related to the students’ majors. University of the Ryukyus will launch a new student exchange program from Spring 2020 to provide students more fruitful and fulfilling experience.

RISEプログラム コース紹介(RISE Program – Course Introduction)

There are four courses in the University of the Ryukyus Short-Term Exchange Program. Students may choose to enroll in either course depending on their purpose of studying abroad.For more detail, please see the Application Guideline.


Japan-Okinawa Studies Course is for students who wish to learn the history & culture of Japan and Okinawa, at the same time, develop their Japanese language skills. There are general Japanese classes that develop four skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing as well. Students can learn Japanese in the style that meets their needs.
Major Studies Course also provides Japanese Language and Culture Study Course for students who wish to conduct research about Japanese studies more technically.


琉球大学の日本人学生や沖縄の地域住民との交流を深め、多様な課題解決に向けてのリーダーシップを修得するためのコースです。複言語で提供される日本人との共修科目を履修し、PBL (Project-Based Learning) を主体とした日本人との協働学習を行うと同時に、自分のニーズとレベルに合った日本語科目も履修し、日本語運用能力も伸ばします。
Glocal Leader Training Course is designed for the students to acquire the leadership for solving a variety of problems through deepening exchanges with Japanese students of the University of the Ryukyus and local communities of Okinawa. Students will take the multi-language courses with Japanese students. By studying through the Project-Based Learning (PBL), take the Japanese language courses that meet their needs and levels so that to improve their Japanese language skills.


This course is for students who want to play an active part in the world as a Japanese language teacher. Since the subjects are systematically provided, students can learn about the language on a per-theme basis.


Major Studies Course is for students who wish to learn technically about their specialized fields. Undergraduate exchange students are allowed to attend the lectures related to their majors, while the graduate students mainly conduct research and attend the seminars.