短期交換留学プログラム募集要項・申請書(Application Guide for RISE Program)

If you wish to participate in the Ryukyus International Student Exchange Program, please read the application guidelines carefully and download and fill out the required documents. As the applications will be accepted by e-mail from the person in charge of study abroad exchange at the partner institution, there is no need to send the documents by post.

Application Guideline & Application Format

RISE Program Application Guide_jpn.
募集要項(日本語) Application Guideline (Japanese)

RISE Program Application Guide_Eng.
募集要項(英語) Application Guideline (English)

申請書(様式1) Application Form 1
申請書(様式2~5) Application Form 2-5
在留資格認定証明書申請書 Application form for Certificate of Eligibility
※この様式のみExcel形式で提出してください。*Please submit this form in Excel format.

申請書類は、在籍大学の学生交流担当者から提出してください。学生本人が直接 琉球大学へ提出した場合には申請書類は受理されないため、注意してください。
Application forms and necessary documents must be submitted to the University of the Ryukyus through the study abroad program coordinator of the applicant’s home institution. Applications sent directly by students will be declined.

Admission Requirements


1. 本学と学生交流協定を結んでいる大学、UMAPまたはISEPに加盟している大学の正規課程の学生
2. 渡日時に2年次以上の学部学生もしくは大学院生、または短期大学の最終学年次であること
3. 各受け入れコースで必要とされる日本語力を有すること(日本語力を必要としない場合もあります)

The requirements for all students applying to RISE Program are as follows:
1. The student’s Institution must be affiliated with the University of the Ryukyus or be a partner of the UMAP or ISEP
2. The student must either be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student who has completed his/her first year of study at his/her home Institution or be matriculated as a graduate student. Junior college students who apply must be in their final year of study.
3. The students must be proficient in Japanese at the level required by each given course.

Admission and Period of Stay


April Admission:
1. April-September (Spring semester only;approximately half a year)
2. April-March (Spring & Fall semester; approximately one year)
October Admission:
1. October-March (Fall semester only; approximately half a year)
2. October-September (Fall & Spring semester; approximately one year)

Academic Calendar (Spring Semester)

来沖指定日: 3月28日~4月3日
日本語コース授業説明(履修指導): 4月5日~4月10日 ※日本語レベルによって日程は異なります。
留学生生活オリエンテーション: 4月7日
授業登録期間: 4月11日~4月25日
前学期試験期間: 8月2日~8月8日
夏季休業: 8月15日~9月30日

*The schedule below are the information for 2023 and may be subject to change.
Designated Arrival Date: March 27th to April 1st
Briefing for Registration of Japanese Classes: April 5th to 10 th *Schedules vary depending on students’ Japanese level.
Student Life Orientation: April 7th
Course Registration period: From April 11th to April 25th
Spring Semester Examination: From August 2nd to August 8th
Summer Vacation: From August 15th to September 30th

Academic Calendar (Fall Semester)

日本語コース授業説明(履修指導):9月28日~9月29日 ※日本語レベルによって日程は異なります。

*The schedule below are the information for 2023 and may be subject to change.
Designated Arrival Date: September 25th to 27th
Briefing for Registration of Japanese Classes: September 28th to 29th *Schedules vary depending on students’ Japanese level.
Student Life Orientation: September 29th
Course Registration Period: From September 29th to October 15th
Winter Vacation: From December 26th to January 3rd
Fall Semester Examination: From February 1st to February 7th
Spring Vacation: From February 15th to March 31st

Course Coordinators

International Student Unit, Global Education Center

名嶋 義直(なじま よしなお)Yoshinao NAJIMA
Tel: 098 895 8094
Email: najimay at lab.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

葦原 恭子(あしはら きょうこ)Kyoko ASHIHARA
Tel: 098 895 8111
Email: ashihara at lab.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

佐々木 香代子(ささき かよこ)Kayoko SASAKI
Tel: 098 895 8113
Email: daisukes at lab.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

新城 直樹(あらしろ なおき)Naoki ARASHIRO
Tel: 098 895 8137
Email: arashiro at lab.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

山元 淑乃(やまもと よしの)Yoshino YAMAMOTO
Tel: 098 895 8116
Email: ysn at lab.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

渡真利 聖子(とまり せいこ)Seiko TOMARI
Tel: 098 895 8112
Email: seikot at lab.u-ryukyu.ac.jp